Jurnal Empathy Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat http://jurnalempathy.com/index.php/jurnalempathy <p>Jurnal Empathy Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, with registered number <a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1541563339&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2654-850X&nbsp;(print)</a>&nbsp;and <a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1595923093&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2723-6188 (on line)</a>,&nbsp;is a scientific multidisciplinary journal published by Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta. It is in the national level that covers a lot of common problems or issues related to community services. The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of community services.</p> <p>This journal provides a forum for exchanging community services issues related to the world of health which include nursing, midwifery, physiotherapy, acupuncture, herbal medicine (herbal), occupational therapy, prosthetic orthotics, speech therapy, public health, medicine, and health education. The submission process is open throughout the year. All texts submitted will be through multiple peer reviews and editorial reviews before being accepted for publication. Starting in March 2020, Jurnal Empathy uses an Open Journal System that requires all authors to register before they are allowed to upload the manuscript they write online. After that, editors, peer reviewers, and writers can monitor the processing of the manuscript.</p> <table class="announcements"> <tbody> <tr class="title"> <td class="title"> <h4>ACCREDITATION: RE-ACCREDITATION RESULT</h4> </td> <td class="more">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr class="description"> <td class="description"> <p>Start from&nbsp;<strong>June 2021</strong>, Based on&nbsp;Excerpts and Decrees of the Minister of Research and Technology / Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency, with Number: &nbsp;105/E/KPT/2022,&nbsp;<strong>Jurnal Empathy Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat&nbsp;</strong>has accredited<strong>&nbsp;SINTA 4 (4rd Grade Journal)</strong>. The Accreditation is valid until 2025.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta en-US Jurnal Empathy Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2654-850X Program Kemitraan Masyarakat Bagi Kelompok Kader Kesehatan Ibu Hamil Dalam Implementasi Program Pendampingan Kehamilan http://jurnalempathy.com/index.php/jurnalempathy/article/view/228 <p><strong><em>Background:</em></strong><em> Pregnancy in a woman is a physiological process, but there is a risk of experiencing pregnancy complications. Many influencing factors, both direct and indirect, can cause maternal death. In 2021, pregnancies with risks at the Arjowinangun Community Health Center were 335 (43.96%). One of the programs carried out to overcome maternal mortality is "assistance for pregnant women based on community empowerment". This mentoring activity is carried out by involving health cadres by implementing motivational, educational, and reporting functions. <strong>Methods:</strong> The activity implementation method consists of: preparation, implementation and evaluation stages. The implementation phase consists of: cadre training activities, and three times assisting pregnant women in the Arjowinangun Community Health Center area, Malang. The number of accompanying cadre participants was 28 cadres, with the supervision of 4 regional midwives. Knowledge before and after training averaged 81.00 and 88.30. Meanwhile, cadre skills in mentoring activities before and after training were 74.30 and 87.50. <strong>Results:</strong> The results of the assistance attended by pregnant women with an average age of 20-35 years (75%), gravida secundi (39.29%), with a high risk of pregnancy (78.57%) by looking at the pre-test and post-test scores the mentoring test is 75.50 and 87.80, for the knowledge indicator. At the end of pregnancy and postpartum period, there were no complications both mothers and babies (100%). <strong>Conclusion:</strong> refreshing material for cadres, as well as assistance by trained personnel to health cadres in the pregnancy assistance program is needed for optimal assistance results for pregnant women.</em></p> Gita Kostania Rita Yulifah Suprapti Suprapti Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Empathy Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 1 15 10.37341/jurnalempathy.v5i1.228 Optimalisasi Peran Tenaga Kesehatan Dalam Meningkatkan Patient Center Care Sebagai Upaya Pelayanan Terintegrasi http://jurnalempathy.com/index.php/jurnalempathy/article/view/167 <p><strong><em>Background:</em></strong><em> Health services provided to patients should be integrated so as to ensure patient safety. The paradigm of health services is currently undergoing a change where it no longer prioritizes one profession as the core of service but instead requires the integration of various professions in providing health services. Patient-centered care (PCC) is a patient-focused service that can be carried out through interprofessional communication. The purpose of this service activity is to increase knowledge and optimize the competence of health workers to increase PCC through the implementation of interprofessional communication. <strong>Methods:</strong> The dedication method used in this activity is through a webinar using the Zoom meeting application. One of the private hospitals in Bali is a partner in this activity. This service activity consists of three stages: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. <strong>Results:</strong> The results of the activity show that health workers are able to carry out interprofessional communication and improve PCC as an integrated health service. <strong>Conclusion:</strong></em> <em>Health workers are able to carry out interprofessional communication in improving PCC as an integrated health service. The community service process went according to plan and all health workers involved played an active role during the activities. It is hoped that health workers will always be able to apply interprofessional communication to improve PCC.</em></p> Ni Made Nopita Wati Ni Luh Putu Thrisna Dewi A.A Sri Sanjiwani Ketut Lisnawati I Nyoman Sudarma Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Empathy Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 16 22 10.37341/jurnalempathy.v5i1.167 Efektivitas Program 3P (Peel, Prepare, Protect) untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Duta Generasi Berencana Kota Bukittinggi Tahun 2023 Mengenai Perilaku Seks Pranikah http://jurnalempathy.com/index.php/jurnalempathy/article/view/189 <p><strong><em>Background: </em></strong><em>Premarital sexual behavior is very common in adolescents and young adults. Their lack of knowledge is one of the causes of this happening. The negative consequences caused by this premarital sexual behavior make various prevention efforts necessary. As an effort towards this, the researchers launched the 3P (Peal, Prepare, Protect) program for Duta Generasi Berencana Kota Bukittinggi 2023. The reason to choose Duta Generasi Berencana (GenRe) as a participant is because they are icons and role models for adolescents, and later they can provide insights to adolescents about premarital sex behavior as part of their duties</em>. <strong><em>Methods: </em></strong><em>The method in this service is to provide psychoeducation as a workshop about premarital sexual behavior. The analysis in the study was carried out by comparing the data before and after the intervention. <strong>Results: </strong>The result of this program showed that there was an increase in knowledge of Duta Genre Bukittinggi 2023 based on the result of a statistical test </em>(sig. 0,000)<em>. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>In order to increase knowledge about premarital sexual behavior and to raise awareness of the negative consequences, the 3P program has been done for Duta Generasi Berencana Kota Bukittinggi 2023. It is hoped that this program will continue to be implemented so that it can be as effective as possible in preventing cases of premarital sex.</em></p> Rina Syafri Yani Nurul Amanda Salmaa Khairiyah Siti Raudhatul Jannah Adinda Nur Annisa Jannah Maya Yasmin Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Empathy Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-05-08 2024-05-08 23 34 10.37341/jurnalempathy.v5i1.189 Penguatan Pemahaman dan Persepsi Positif Perawat dalam Melaksanakan Dokumentasi Asuhan Keperawatan sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Mutu Layanan Kesehatan di Rumah Sakit http://jurnalempathy.com/index.php/jurnalempathy/article/view/231 <p><strong><em>Background:</em></strong><em> Problems related to the documentation of nursing care are still a global problem in hospitals. Various factors, such as knowledge, attitudes, skills, and different perceptions between nurses when carrying out nursing documentation, also become obstacles. <strong>Methods:</strong> The design applied in the service refers to qualitative discrimination, with activities carried out to socialize research results, followed by FGD (Focus Group Discussion) with an interview guide consisting of nine statements to 10 nurses representing the treatment room as participants. <strong>Results:</strong> There was a change in understanding and shared positive perceptions among participants regarding the implementation of nursing documentation, starting with assessment, data analysis, formulation of nursing diagnoses, and evaluation. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> increasing nurses' understanding and positive perceptions regarding nursing documentation can be done through FGDs, training, and workshops, as well as ongoing assessment.</em></p> Heryyanoor Heryyanoor Melinda Restu Pertiwi Diana Hardiyanti Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Empathy Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-06-03 2024-06-03 35 47 10.37341/jurnalempathy.v5i1.231 Edukasi Pemanfaatan TOGA dan Pembuatan Produk Disinfektan serta Balsam Stik Berbahan Dasar Lengkuas http://jurnalempathy.com/index.php/jurnalempathy/article/view/195 <p><em><strong>Background: </strong></em><em>Batok Village has quite a large agricultural land with the commodity of agricultural products, Alpinia galanga, but the selling value of Alpinia galanga is very cheap. Therefore, the community service team aims to provide education on planting TOGA and making disinfected products and balsam sticks to increase their market value. </em><strong><em>Methods</em></strong><em><strong>:</strong></em><em> Steps taken are observation, preparation, implementation, and evaluation. </em><strong><em>Results:</em></strong><em> In the observation, it was observed that Batok Village has agricultural land that is fertile enough for TOGA planting. The preparation process carried out is the manufacture of disinfectant products and balsam sticks with Alpinia galanga as the active ingredient. The Alpinia galanga disinfectant is shown to inhibit the growth of microorganisms, and the resulting balsam stick is solid, easy to apply, produces a warm effect, and does not irritate</em><strong><em>.</em></strong><strong><em> Conclusion:</em></strong><em> The participants were very enthusiastic in participating in the PkM activities, and the results of the evaluation analysis of the participants' knowledge level increased.</em></p> Nurista Dida Ayuningtyas Junius Hardy Anastasia S Pramitaningastuti Ernestine Arianditha Pranasti Feronia Reni Cyrena Santoso Benny Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Empathy Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-07-05 2024-07-05 48 55 10.37341/jurnalempathy.v5i1.195 Pemberdayaan Kader Kesehatan dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Hidup Lansia dengan Inkontinensia Urine http://jurnalempathy.com/index.php/jurnalempathy/article/view/235 <p><strong><em>Background:</em></strong><em> Ageing that occurs in the elderly causes a decrease in pelvic floor muscle strength, which causes elderly people to become unable to control their urination activities, causing the elderly to suffer from urinary incontinence. Exercises to treat urinary incontinence include pelvic floor muscle exercises called Kegel exercises. A Kegel workout is a pelvic floor muscle exercise by contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles. Kegel exercise to improve conditions resulting from decreased muscle function and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles<strong> Methods:</strong> Education about the quality of life of elderly people suffering from urinary incontinence. (2) Kegel exercise training and practice for health cadres; (3) Services by empowering community cadres to improve the quality of life of elderly sufferers of urinary incontinence. <strong>Results:</strong> There is an increase in the understanding and skills of health cadres in improving the quality of life of elderly people suffering from urinary incontinence and improving the quality of public health. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Urinary incontinence with Kegel exercises has been proven to increase pelvic floor muscle strength and reduce the incidence of urinary incontinence in the elderly. The quality of life of the elderly increases and the frequency of daily urination decreases after Kegel exercises are given regularly. Health education activities and Kegel exercises must be carried out regularly so that they can provide health and preventive benefits for the elderly, both those who have or have not experienced urinary incontinence problems.</em></p> Yoni Rustiana Kusumawati Budi Utomo Setiawan Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Empathy Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-07-05 2024-07-05 56 66 10.37341/jurnalempathy.v5i1.235