Edukasi Pada Kader Kesehatan Tentang Cara Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Spritual Diabetisi Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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Suyanto Suyanto
Sri Lestari Dwi Astuti


Background: At the Ngemplak Health Center, Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is included among the 10 most common diseases and will continue to increase, seeing the current prevalence of 2.7% (2018). Whereas when caring for him, psychosocial and spiritual disorders are often encountered, which can make the condition of DM sufferers worse. The purpose of this community service is to help health cadres who are in the community as volunteers gain knowledge about how to improve the spiritual well-being of patients with DM.

Methods: The targeted health cadres were given knowledge about how to improve spiritual well-being two times, and the results of this were evaluated using a questionnaire. Then, in order to get good results during the COVID-19 pandemic, the educational method used was a combination of online (using the WhatsApp group) and offline (face-to-face).

Results: Before the training was carried out, the level of knowledge of cadres on how to improve the spiritual well-being of people with diabetes mellitus was as low as 78%. After education, there was an increase in knowledge, namely among cadres who had low knowledge only 7% remained.

Conclusion: Education for cadres during the COVID-19 pandemic must continue. For example, educating cadres on how to improve the spiritual well-being of DM sufferers can be done by combining online and offline methods.

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