Peranan Pendidikan Anti Korupsi Dalam Pencegahan Tindak Korupsi Pungutan Liar

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Retna Febri Arifiati
Dwi Ariani Sulistyowati


Background: Many people do not understand that illegal levies are included in the realm of corruption. Corruption like this is included in acts against the law, enriching oneself by harming the country's finances or economy, and is carried out in various ways so that one can abuse authority in the form of positions, bribery, embezzlement in office, extortion, and up.

Methods: This community service activity uses a cross-sectional analytic survey approach to find out the effect of anti-corruption education and the prevention of illegal levies. Data collection techniques in this study used a questionnaire.

Results: This type of pengabmas with data analysis method performed Paired Sample T-Test. The results show that p = 0.000 <0.05 where P is less than the significance level, that is, 0.000 <0.05, indicates that anti-corruption education has a positive effect on preventing corruption, extortion, illegal taxation, and other behaviors.

Conclusion: Anti-corruption education can be the first step towards preventing corruption which can be started from oneself which will later have implications for the life of the family, community, nation and state. One of the recommendations that can be given is the role of family education as the first place for children to become a model in applying integrity values, namely anti-corruption education in character building.

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